Welcome to the Greater Boulder Green Party
We are the local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado representing Boulder area Greens and the interests and concerns of the Boulder community.
The Green Party is a political alternative for those committed to building a sustainable and just society. What makes Green politics different is a holistic, ecological outlook that recognizes the interconnection of all life and social processes, and that neither social nor environmental problems can be solved in isolation from each other. We pursue a broad conception of politics that embraces electoral efforts, the development of alternative institutions, education for empowerment, nonviolent direct action, and ecological lifestyles.
Upcoming Meetings:
We meet the second Saturday of every month in Boulder.
2:30 to 4:30 PM
Boulder Public Library
1001 Arapahoe Ave., Boulder, CO 80302 United States
Register for the State Discussion Forum
The State Forum is now open to registered Greens in the state of Colorado. Join us in the forum today!