Greater Boulder Green Party Mission Statement
As a local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado the Greater Boulder Green Party will reach out to the Boulder Community in an effort to educate our piers to the alternative political solutions that the Green Party endorses and works to achieve.
We will promote a social agenda that favors the interests of private citizens over those of corporate profiteers and big banks and that steers our society towards a future of alternative energy and away from an unsustainable future of continued reliance on fossil fuels.
We will engage in community involvement and activism and support like-minded public interest groups and grass roots initiatives that promote social justice and sustainability.
We will use our ballot access as a third party to run candidates for public office who are not beholden to corporate or special interests as the Green Party does not accept corporate donations. By only accepting private donations Green Party candidates are uniquely empowered to uncompromisingly champion local issues and conduct campaigns that are steadfastly grounded in the Green Party’s Ten Key Values and the Green Party platform.
Greater Boulder Greens
Chapter Bylaws
I. Name
1.1 The name of this local chapter of the Green Party of Colorado is the Greater Boulder Greens.
II. Purpose and Values
2.1 The purpose of this organization is to work towards a “Green” society as represented by the Ten Key Values of the Association of State
Green Parties.
These values are as follows:
Ecological Wisdom
Grassroots Democracy
Community-Based Economics and Economic Justice
Social Justice and Equal Opportunity
Respect for Diversity
Feminism and Gender Equality
Personal and Global Responsibility
Future Focus and Sustainability
2.2 This political organization may use any nonviolent method to affect social change including but not restricted to: ballot initiatives, direct action, electoral campaigns, community organizing, and educational reforms.
2.3 Greater Boulder Greens will develop an annual platform regarding issues of local, regional, national and international concerns, as deemed appropriate by the membership.
III. Membership
3.1 Anyone may attend monthly meetings of the Greater Boulder Greens. To be a voting member of Greater Boulder Greens, a person must be registered as a member of the Green Party of Colorado, must register with the Greater Boulder Greens at a meeting and provide contact information, must agree to support the Ten Key Values, must abide by the by-laws of Greater Boulder Greens and the Green Party of Colorado, should generally endorse the local party platform as developed and updated by the membership each year and should generally endorse the state and national party platforms.
3.2 Membership shall be open to anyone regardless of race, gender, religion, national origin, veteran status, sexual orientation, appearance, or physical ability.
3.4 Rights of a member in good standing include the ability to vote on all issues including, but not limited to matters of policy, finance and objectives, at meetings of the local chapter.
3.5 The Good Standing of an individual in Greater Boulder Greens can be revoked for failing to abide by the Ten Key Values or for disrupting the work of Greater Boulder Greens, by a 75% vote of the local chapter’s membership at a regular meeting. Any individual must be informed of the potential loss of good standing at least three weeks prior to the vote and have a chance to speak in his or her defense at the meeting when the vote is held.
IV. Structure
4.1 Meetings will be set by the Chairperson at a time and location agreed upon by members at the previous meeting, or by notification of all individual members to the extent reasonably possible, at least one week before the proposed meeting.
4.2 The Chairperson will set the agenda for the meetings, decide on issues needing expedient attention between meetings, handle administrative tasks and act as representative to the press on local issues, or delegate such duties.
4.3 All decisions will be by consensus or by voting based on the principle of one person, one vote.
4.4 All decisions concerning policy finance, and objectives shall require a vote of at least 60% of the membership present at a local meeting.
V. Candidates
5.1 Members will be responsible for nominating Green Party of Colorado candidates to run for local political office in partisan elections based on the principle of one person, one vote. Members shall forward those nominations for ratification to the state nominating convention. Candidates chosen by Greater Boulder Greens must be ratified at a state party convention as required by the state bylaws.
5.2 Greater Boulder Greens members voting for the nomination of a candidate must have been registered in the Green Party of Colorado for at least 30 days prior to voting.
5.3 Greater Boulder Greens members shall elect as many delegates as allowed by the state party, or as many as Greater Boulder Greens determine to be appropriate, to represent and vote for the Greater Boulder Greens at state and national nominating conventions. Delegates shall be elected by achieving the greatest number of votes by the members present at a Greater Boulder Greens meeting. Alternates to serve, should an elected delegate not be able to attend a state or national meeting, shall be chosen based on voting at a Greater Boulder Greens meeting.
5.4 Candidates nominated by Greater Boulder Greens must meet the following criteria:
a. A candidate should generally endorse the Ten Key Values and use these values as a basis for their political decision-making.
b. A candidate must maintain registration in the Green Party.
c. A candidate must be registered as a member of the Green Party of Colorado.
d. In order to be a candidate running for local or state office a candidate must comply with any eligibility requirements of the state party as to how long he or she must have been a registered Green Party member.
VI. Officers
6.1 Greater Boulder Greens shall elect 2 Co-Chairpersons, one Treasurer, one Secretary, and one at-large Representative. These officers will constitute the Steering Committee of the Greater Boulder Greens.
a. The Co-chairs will perform the duties described in 4.1 and 4.2 of this document and will keep the membership of Greater Boulder Greens informed of pertinent issues and events of the State and National Green Party. At meetings of the Local Chapter and when appropriate, at Steering Committee meetings, one of the co-chairs will act as facilitator. His or her co-chair will conduct the meeting.
b. The Secretary will take minutes of each local chapter meeting and steering Committee Meetings. Minutes of local chapter meetings will be distributed to all members within 10 days of the meeting. Steering Committee meeting notes will be distributed to Steering Committee members within 10 days.
c. The Treasure is responsible for keeping records of all financial accounts and transactions and shall prepare and present a quarterly report on the finances of the Greater Boulder Greens to the membership at local chapter meetings.
6.2 The membership of the Greater Boulder Greens may create or delete any other office as needed. A vote of 75% majority of members present at a local meeting must approve any new office. Any member may assume an office after being chosen by achieving the greatest number of votes among members present at a local meeting.
6.3 If a Greater Boulder Greens officer’s position is vacated in between officials meetings, the other officers may make a temporary appointment.
6.4 Officers shall be elected by the members present at a local meeting held between January 1 and May 1 of odd numbered years. Any member
of Greater Boulder Greens in good standing shall be eligible to run for an office. The candidate with the greatest number of votes shall be elected to the office.
6.5 All officers of Greater Boulder Greens must be members in Good Standing of both the Greater Boulder Greens and the Green Party of Colorado.
6.6 Officers of Greater Boulder Greens shall represent, or choose representatives to represent the Greater Boulder Greens and vote on state issues at general meetings and serve on State Steering Committees (online council).
VII. Amendments
7.1 These bylaws may be amended by a 75% vote by members present at a local meeting where a quorum of 50% of the local’s active membership is present.
7.2 A written copy of adopted bylaws (with any current amendments) will be maintained by the Secretary, the Co-Chairs, and a By-laws Committee appointed by the Steering Committee.
a. The Bylaws Committee will review proposed amendments and prepare them to be voted upon by Greater Boulder Greens members at a regularly scheduled meeting.