The Greater Boulder Green Party strongly endorses the platform of the Green Party of the United States. This document champions the goals of the progressive movement and endorses a political agenda that only a non-corporate-influenced political party could support.
The Greater Boulder Green Party has debated many issues that affect our community and we have organized our concerns into the following three categories:
State-wide election reform
- Publicly-funded elections
- Instant Runoff Voting
- Open Debates
- End to corporate personhood provided in the Supreme Court decision “Citizens United” that gives corporations the free speech rights of private citizens and enables them to contribute unlimited amounts of money to political action committees.
Community rights
- Mandatory labeling of GMOs (genetically modified organisms) in the U.S. food supply.
- End the bogus and failed U.S. “war on drugs” that feeds the prison industrial complex at the expense of non-violent offenders and specifically targets male persons of color. Legalize all recreational drugs and regulate and tax them in a identical manner as regulations on alcohol.